Thursday 25 June 2015


Hello everyone. Today I am starting a new series of posts that I will try to repeat throughout the future, which is a post calles 'my life in pictures.' In these posts I will show you pictures of my daily life to give you an idea what I experience everyday. If you want to follow me personal to see more, check out my instagram: saarjpg.

The photo above, was a big day in history for me. For the first time in ages, I wore trousers that were not black! Now, I am sure you are thinking: how is that special? People that know me, know that I wear black 24/7. I think I haven't worn a other color trousers than black in about at least one to two years (I know, how even). But with the weather being nice and all, I decided to do something different and go for this mom-ish jeans. I have been loving the mom and boyfriend jeans for such a long time and I finally wore it myself this day, haha.

I dyed my hair! My natural hair is dark brown but since october 2014 I had blonde ombre/dipdye. About three weeks ago I decided it was time for a change so I dyed it back to dark brown, but a little bit darker. As you can see on the photo above, it had a little purple glow to it because I only just dyed it that day. I love it and I a even planning on going darker, towards black.

Me and my friends went to town after school and found this little, cutest shop. It was similar to this little, original boutique you'll find in Amsterdam. The special thing was, that the clothing pieces were all imported from Japan and Korea so they were one of a kind. Also, the items were being sold for a very reasonable price. On the photos here, you can see boxes filled with the cutest sunglasses and other adorable items spread over the table. I don't remember the name of this shop, but I will go back to buy something (I must) and to make better photos.

Please don't mind the horrible snapchat quality, haha. So, to end this life in pictures article, I chose a snap I made where I had a coffee and maths date with a friend of mine. We went to a DE Cafe, just a few blocks away from my school. We met up here a few times because she was helping me with my maths (which I suck at). To make the study hours a little better, we took coffee and I took my usual caramal ice coffee.

Hope you liked this post and make sure to follow my instagram account for more pictures of my life.

Love, Sarah

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