Thursday 27 March 2014


I always love watching other bloggers or youtubers do tags. I think it's interesting to get to know them better and find out little random facts about them. I'm sure i will also do al lot of tags in the future, but for now i'll just start with one that i think is basic and gives my readers a good overview of me in general: the about me tag.


1. Do you have a middle name? 

No, actually i don't. Unlikely most people, my parents decided to not be mainstream and leave it with Sarah, haha.

2. What is your Favourite subject in school?

My favourite subject must be English, or Art.

3. Whats your favourite drink?

Red bull, diet coke and tea. I can tell you, i seriously live on these three drinks. Even though I didn't drink any energy drinks/red bull for the last three months or so (read: for half a year I would drink one energy drink at least every other day, which isn't the healthiest thing ever.)

4. What is your favourite song at the moment?

Probably The Draw by Bastille or Genesis by Grimes.

5. What would you name your kids?

I would be lying if i'd say i didn't know. Since I was younger I have been thinking about what I would call my children, if I would ever get them. At this moment I have no idea what i like for a girl, but for a boy Chris(topher) has been a favourite for a while. It's also just a name I quite like in general.

6. Do you participate in any sports?

Erm...I believe strongly that I am incredibly lazy. I did dance for three years, but right now i'm not doing that until next year. The last few weeks I've been forcing myself to put m trainers on and go jogging, which I actually seem to like (and a lot of times I run for about an hour, to my own suprise). I also did many attempts in creating abbs by doing crunches, but that hasn't been too succesfull either.

7. Favourite Book?

 Although i liked the last book that i read, The Perks of being a wallflower, i wouldn't say it is my favourite. Even though i don't really read that much, i do love books. I've got so many books to read and i love every book i have read. I just like books. I do have a list of John Green books to read, which I'm quite excited about.

8. Favourite Colour?

For clothing, obviously black. Being as predictable as i am. But as in favourite colour in general: light blue. Even though you wouldn't think so, for some kind of reason I just like light blue.

9. Favourite Animal?


10. Favourite Perfume?

 I don't really have any favourite perfume, I just prefer anything that smells nice in my opinion. Lately I have been loving the Victoria secret body mists, which isn't really a perfume, but it's really something I'd recommend anyway.

11. Favourite Holiday?


12. Have you graduated high school?

Yes, I actually did. Now I'm in my first year of studying journalism and communication.

13. Have you ever been out of the country? if so how many times?

I have been out of the country a fair amount of times, I think. But the're still a lot of places that I would love to visit.

14. Do you speak any other language?

I do. I speak dutch, english, a little bit of Persian and German and i know a few words in French, Spanish and Italian. And I know to say 'hello' in Asian.

15. How many siblings do you have?

I have one sister, who is 14.

16. What is your favourite store?

I don't really have one, but I really like Topshop, American Appearel, Urban Outfitters, H&M and sometimes I also really like primark!

17. Favourite restaurant? 

Any Italian restaurant. Would love to mention a sushi restaurant because it sounds fancy and I think sushi looks so nice, but as weird as i am, eating sushi for the first time made me gag. And that was the last time i ate sushi. Not joking.

18. Do you like school?

I don't hate school in general. I actually seem to like it sometimes. I think with me it's really about the people I'm with in school and subjects I really don't get or dislike, for example maths.

19. Favourite youtuber?

 I don't have one specific favourite youtuber, I like a lot of people that make video's in a fashion/lifestyle category. Most of the times it's not beautygurus, even though I do have a few favourite ones, but people with a bit less viewers.

20. Favourite movie?

So hard. I absolutely love films. I would have to say anything with Leonardo DiCaprio because, well, he's just life.

21. Favourite TV show?

I like quite a lot of series, but right now I'm not like addicted to one. A recent favourite is My Mad Fat Diary.

22. PC or Mac?

 Mac. Not only because of the're appearances, but also because I just think they work easier for me.
23. What kind of phone do you have?

A black Iphone 4s.

24. How tall are you?

1.60 cm, or 5'4. I can sure tell you that at least once a week i'm being pointed at that I am so small. 

Photo: Tumblr

Hope you liked this tag and I also hope you all know a bit about me more now. I tag everyone who sees this. 



  1. Love christmas to! And i agree about the movie part. Any film with Leo is just amazing!


  2. Ooh echt leuk om te lezen! Ik ga je volgen! Wel via bloglovin, want dat vind ik superhandig haha! Liefs!!
